Saturday, September 21, 2013

Heart Transplant

If "Home is where the heart is" then our heart is about to get transplanted....out to Menifee, to be exact! Are we crazy?! Maybe. But also very excited - and a little bit terrified - about this new chapter in our lives!
Why Menifee, one might ask? Isn't it way the heck out there? And HOT? Short answer: Yes & Yes. But there's more to it, so here goes.....
We've been beyond blessed to live in a home my Grandma owns in Oceanside for the past (nearly) 6 years! We moved in the week Matthew was born - in fact, our last boxes were moved from our apartment the day before he was born - moving is great for starting labor :) There are so many memories in this house, in fact it's hard to imagine our family anywhere else. But over the past few years, as our kids have grown, we realized we wanted a little more space, and a lot more backyard, for the kids. 
After months of having "when we start house hunting" conversations, we decided to go ahead and get pre-approved. First step. Find out whether or not we could start looking. And really, that snowball tumbled fast. Before we knew it we were talking to a realtor - 2 realtors in fact - and lining up houses to view. We knew we wanted to look in North County, but we also knew that we were interested in Temecula (hence the 2 realtors). Josh's brother and his wife live in Temecula, and there are really some beautiful areas out there. It's also much more affordable. So here's what happened.....for what we were comfortable paying, and what we were looking for in a home, we had a grand total of ONE viewable home in North County. One. And that one was T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. Temecula had quite a few that we viewed, but when it came down to it, they were all at the top of our comfort zone with lots of work that needed to be done. We started looking at the wrong time, apparently, just as the market got craaaaaazzzzyyy competitive.
Besides Josh's bro living in Temecula, his sister and husband live in Menifee, as well as his Mom and step-dad who just recently purchased a home out there. Menifee. Hmmm. No harm in looking at some brand new model homes out there, right? 
And that was it. Hook, line, and sinker. I'm a sucker for nice and new. I'm also a sucker for changing things up - and a move to a new location seemed right. We'd be near Josh's family and get to be closer to the cousins as they all grow up together, which is something I didn't have growing up and really hope my kids enjoy. 
 After lots of prayer and wise counsel, and after considering several different neighborhoods, we fell in love with Summerhouse at the Lakes in Menifee - such a fun community, a place we can really see our kids growing up! It has 3 man-made lakes that are stocked with bass & trout to fish. Walking paths around the lakes and throughout the community. Clubhouse that does community events and activities, a Gym, an AMAZING pool area (complete with WATERSLIDES - no joke). And we were able to get a beautiful home in a cul-de-sac, perfect for our family. This was all back in APRIL! I won't bore you with (any more) details - but we have felt SO blessed along this road - from prayer warriors, wise counsel, an awesome realtor, lender advisor, and even our escrow notary was a God-send! There have been bumps, twists and turns, tears, and lots of smiles along the way - as of FRIDAY we have keys in hand - it's truly ours :) Due to some family circumstances, which I'll be blogging about in the near future, we won't be moving up immediately, but we can't wait! We hope to have lots of visits from friends, BBQs & pool parties at our place!!!!! :)
Ok, enough talk - PICS!
The day we found out we won the bid, the lot was ours!

From the ground up!
The width of the backyard!! Josh on one end, me on the other!
 The "finished" backyard - or "mulch factory" as we like to call it. Well, finished except for grass - the dirt where Josh is standing is now grass.
Last, but certainly not least, the POOL! We had SO much fun there this summer, and we weren't even living there yet - can't wait until next summer, and many summers to come!

Friday, August 23, 2013


Wait a sec....wasn't it JUST yesterday he had his first day of preschool? 
Nope, not yesterday, 3 years ago actually - our boy is now a KINDERGARTENER! 
 He was so excited for his first day, dinosaur lunch box and folder in hand, ready to tackle this new experience!
He fit right in and did great - no tears (from either of us, surprisingly), just lots of smiles :)
What's been a huge blessing is that one of his friends from preschool is also going to his new school. They aren't in the same class, unfortunately, but they spend their lunch and recesses together. 
He hasn't always wanted to get up and go every morning - after all, he's only ever had 2 days a week of preschool - but all-in-all it was a successful first week. Looking forward to what this new chapter in his life holds!

Camp Grandma!

This summer, both kids got to attend "Camp Grandma" for a few days and nights at Grandma Sandy's out in Menifee. It was so much fun for them - they went individually, Matthew first several weeks ago - he had a blast hanging out with Grandma, playing with baby Emma & baby Shiloh, getting lots of Wii Mario Cart racing time and time at the pool and splash park. While he was having a blast, Josh and I got to spend some quality time with K, something we haven't had since she's child #2! It was so fun to spend some extra time with her :)
My day I took her out to lunch and a movie - Despicable Me 2 - so much fun :)
After the movie we made a cake over at Grandma & Grandpa's house  - licking the beaters is always the best part :)
We left for preschool a bit early one day (amazing how much less time wrangling one into getting ready in the morning is rather than two!) and stopped for Starbucks...I love this pic :)
That night was Father/Daughter date night - she got all dressed up, purse, fancy necklace and cell phone included :)
Look at these two, love :)
Dinner with Daddy at the Spaghetti Factory!
Just this week, Kaylie got her turn at Camp Grandma. She spent her days playing with baby Cambria & baby Emma, playing with her babies and play kitchen, and one-on-one time with Grandma. This time around we got to spend one-on-one time with M, which was also fun - we don't get to do that often enough any more. Since Josh got to have a Father/Daughter date night, I had a Mother/Son date night. I tried to take him to see Planes in the theater, but he had no interest in doing so once we got there, so I let him choose. He chose Fish House for dinner (we split the salmon, our favorite, that's my boy!) followed by sunset playing at the beach :)
We'll have to arrange for more one-on-one time, in one way or another. Even coordinated date nights where Josh has one and I have the other, it's just so special to be able to focus on one at a time and really get to know them, as they are right now :) Thanks Grandma Sandy!

Z is for Zoo!

Just a few weeks ago, I got to accompany Matthew on his very first field trip to the ZOO! It was a perfect activity for a warm (not hot, mind you) summer day - and on one of Matthew's last days of preschool :) It was fun to see him with his preschool friends outside of school, I don't really see how he gets along with friends while he's AT school. We arrived a bit late to the zoo because we had a kindergarten evaluation in the morning, and as we walked to the entrance we heard someone calling Matthew's name. We turn around and it's one of M's friends from preschool, Aiden, also arriving late because of his kinder eval, which was great news to me - I'm so happy he'll have a friend in kindergarten!
M & A
M & his other buddy, Preston. At least he'll still see him at church!
Me, my boy and a Koala. It's Koalafornia, dude!!
CoTtOn CaNdY!!! Yummmm
The giraffes were really cool, one of them was SO TALL!
I think it was this guy - they rarely took their heads out of these things, though!
Yep, this is Matthew :)
What a fun day at the zoo, just me & my boy (and his preschool class, but still) :)

Dance Recital!! Better late than Never?

I. Can't. Believe it. How did I skip over posting about Kaylie's FIRST dance recital, back in JUNE?!? This was Kaylie's first year in dance, Intro to Dance to be exact, a short combo class of tap and ballet. She always had such a great time in class - And boy did I have fun dressing her up on recital day!! They were A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. Seriously. This year they performed "Splish Splash" - Hoping for many more dance recitals in her future :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Best Friends

One of the things that has brought me the most joy over the past 3 years has been watching the relationship develop between M & K. What an incredible blessing it is, to have kids that truly have so much fun together. From day one, he adored his little sister, and the feeling was mutual. Don't get me wrong, they're kids - there are days I want to pull my hair out with all the "he touched me" "she took my toy" "he's being mean" "she's staring out my window" (seriously??!?) etc....they have their bad days. But overall, they are the best of friends. We're still not sure when or even if our family will grow, but if/when it does, I'm sure hoping and praying baby will be their 3rd musketeer :)

Monday, July 15, 2013


So you have a baby, and it's all about milestones....the first time they smile, first time they coo, first time they laugh, turn over, sit up, get teeth, pull up, take steps, talk, walk.....the whole first year to two years has such an exciting momentum of milestones. Then it kind of slows down. Don't get me wrong, they're still fun and exciting, but as far as milestones go, they are few and far in between. When you do get to another milestone, it seems all that more exciting - and it's not just for you any more, it's even more exciting for the kid!! 
Last Sunday (July 7th, to be exact) Matthew brought up in conversation, ever so non-chalantly, the fact that he has a wiggly tooth. No big, it happens all the time. Wait, what? How did he even know what a wiggly tooth was? I hadn't really thought to talk to him much about it yet - I mean, he's only 5 - does it happen that young? Turns out the average is 6-7 years. Anyway, when he saw how excited I was, he quickly caught on and showed everyone he could his wiggly tooth. The week went on and not much happened, just a wiggle here, a wiggle there. By Friday, however, every meal was an ordeal - he would cry and complain and his little gums would be bleeding - poor guy :( Sure enough, just after breakfast on Sunday morning, Matthew came running to the kitchen with his tiny tooth in hand, so proud that he'd pulled it out so easily, and that it didn't hurt! Seems so silly, but I was bursting with pride. Or excitement for him. Not sure what emotion I was feeling. Maybe a tinge of sadness that my babies are quickly growing up? I properly documented this latest milestone (think paparazzi style photos, and lots of bribing) and preparation for the Tooth Fairy's arrival that evening....
He wanted to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy, asking her to bring him a dinosaur. Of course. Who would have guessed, right? With a little spelling help he excitedly wrote his letter....and then went on with his day.
That night he was asking to go to sleep, he just couldn't wait to place that tooth under his pillow and wake up to a Tooth Fairy surprise. So excited in fact, that he woke up at 3AM - yep 3am, turned the light on in his room and surveyed the gifts the Tooth Fairy had left him. Let me tell you, the Tooth Fairy is not so bright eyed and bushy tailed at 3 in the morning, ha! After some coaxing, we finally convinced (ahem, forced) him to go back to sleep right around 4am. And I'm tired today. But seeing the excitement on his face again this morning was worth it. He loves his new Angry Birds Dinosaur book (featuring some new dinosaurs to memorize) his dollar bill (to buy a treat at the dollar store, he says) and his little eyes lit up as he saw "fairy dust" fall from the letter when he opened it.
While the milestones are definitely fewer and further between, that just makes each milestone that much sweeter. Our "little" boy is more than half my size and has already lost his first tooth.....I just can't believe it. I'm so looking forward to each and every milestone in my kids' futures, God is so GOOD :)

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Have I told you yet how much I love summer? Like, maybe every post?!?!?! Well I do. I LOVE summer. Don't get me wrong, the fall with the changing colors (whatever minor changes we get in So Cal), holidays and hot chocolate, winter with the "cold" and rainy day fun, summer is my fave. Because it's my kid's fave. And anything that makes my kids happy, makes me happy :) What a weekend we had, it was just so much fun. It all started Friday with a trip to Chick-fil-a for lunch - not just any day, Cow Appreciation Day! What does that mean? It means mom's everywhere put together some sort of cow resembling attire, pile everyone in the car and head straight to Chick-fil-a for FREE FOOD! We haven't gone to Chick-fil-a much lately, so the kids were elated that not only were we eating the food, but we got to PLAY there too. Oh what simple things bring joy to these little faces :)
The things we do to our kids. I mean FOR our kids. Scratch that --> the things we do for free food!! ;)
After a brief rest period at home, we once again piled into the car, this time headed to the beach! We met up with our friends for a fun afternoon/evening at the beach, complete with a pizza delivery, thanks to our friends Josh & Ana Martinez and Lorenzo's Pizzeria - yum!! So blessed to know these ladies and that our kids have been able to grow up together - I stared out towards the water at one point just looking at all 8 of our kids(ok, 7, little Sophia is still a newbie), playing in the sand and splashing in the water together, having a blast (well, mostly) - so much fun!!!
Melissa is a master beach hole digger (yes, that is the technical term) and sand bench making queen - the kids had so much fun setting around eating their slices :)
So lovely to spend an afternoon/evening with such great friends :)
Saturday morning we headed up to Menifee with our friends the Davidsons! We had such a blast at the splash park, swimming and riding the waterslides - what fun to share this place with friends - I can't believe we didn't get a single picture!?!?!?!?! Guess we just have to go again soon :)
Once we got home from Menifee and Daddy headed off to work, the kiddos and i took a drive to the local El Pollo Loco (what can I say, I'm a sucker for a coupon) - I asked for 2 small dipped cones, and this is what we got....GINORMOUS!!!
And Sunday? Well, Sunday deserves a post of it's very own......

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Let Freedom Ring!

While last week didn't start out the greatest (wisdom teeth extraction, yuuuuck) at least it included the 4th of July!! What a fun day, perfect to celebrate this beautiful country we live in :) We celebrated with a BBQ at my parent's house, including our "family" the Tiltons, and Norma :) 
All decked out - love me some patriotic nail decor :)
One of their fave things that day were the "poppers" Grandma & Grandpa bought for them - you remember, those little barrel loking things with strings that you pull and a little cap goes off and shoots out some streamers - shocking and fun, all at the same time. And K was obsessed with how they smelled, haha :)
M & Grandpa, silly boys and their tattoos. And of course, Grandpa's tattoo is on his forehead - didn't surprise me at all, ha ha :)
Lovin' the cake pops (always looking for an excuse to make a pop :)
After a delicious meal, we ended the evening with fireworks in the Costco parking lot - you can see the Lego Land fireworks just perfectly from there. This was the first time we've taken them to see a real 4th of July fireworks show, and they loved it. Already looking forward to the next 4th of July! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Uncle Greg!

Last week my bro had the opportunity to come down to visit for a week to do an engagement shoot and a few family shoots. Great for him and his business, great for my family, too! Bummer we didn't get to see Kristen this time around, hopefully the next trip - the kiddos miss there Auntie Kristen!
Anyway, Greg got to spend some extra time hanging out with us all this week and it was a lot of fun being able to catch up and hang out, and the kids just had a blast :) Here are some of the highlights:
Got to go to lunch just my mom, bro and myself - shared a pot of steamed clams, scallops and shrimp - deeeeeelish!!! :)
Beach day!!! Had a blast taking the kids, Josh and my bro to the beach - wasn't a terribly long trip (or a very warm day), but we had plenty of fun :)
Uncle Greg & Daddy had fun digging holes for the kiddos - they loved it!
(can you tell he's from Portland? The kids are about 10 shades darker than he is, LOL)
"Look how deep the whole is, mommy!"
Look who found us on the beach? We had a surprise visit from Josh's bro, Uncle David! A fun surprise :)
Livin' it up, California beach style. Crazy.
Love her :)
and him!!
They love their Uncle Greg - so glad we got to spend some great quality time with him this time around!